Download Cacti

Cacti requires MySQL, PHP, RRDTool, net-snmp, and a webserver that supports PHP such as Apache or IIS. Please see the requirements section of the manual for information on how to fulfill these requirements under certain operating systems. Please use the install guide for either Unix or Windows for information about installing Cacti.

Source Code Archives

The following source code versions of both Spine and Cacti are available below.


1.2.30, released Mar 23, 2025.

Linux/Unix Windows


1.2.30, released Mar 23, 2025.


Packaged Versions

Packaged versions of Cacti are maintained primarily by third-parties who we liase with. If you have issues with any of these packages they should be reported first to the appropriate bug trackers.


emerge cacti


apt-get install cacti


yum install cacti


dnf install cacti


Available in Yast or SUSE media. Version may not be the latest.


Available for download here at The version may or may not be the current.

CactiEZ Beta Versions

TheWitness has spent a little time to rebuild the CactiEZ DVD's for users wishing to quickly deploy Cacti versions 1.2.x and the develop version from a simple ISO image. You must have access to the Internet from your physical or virtual machine to complete the installation. There is no air-gapped version of CactiEZ right now.

The CactiEZ DVD includes the following plugin at their latest development versions.

These ISO's are built currently using Rocky 9.3 x86_64 minimal ISO only. If you need another version, please reach out on the forums. If you wish to have CactiEZ server with a Graphical Desktop, follow the instructions How to Install GNOME GUI on Rocky Linux 9 or visit Rocky Linux Forums for additional tips.

NOTE: There are no promises on the quality of these, but if you encounter issues report them either on the Forums or on GitHub.

NOTE: The default ssh user is cactiez with a password of CactiMadeEZ. Make sure you change it right away. The user has sudo access.

NOTE: The default Cacti Web user id is admin with a password of admin. You will be forced to change it upon your first login to Cacti.

Cacti 1.2.27
Cacti 1.3-devel

Development and Unstable Versions

Old Versions and Patches

Old versions and patches can be found in the downloads directory.


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